Friday, November 27, 2009

Lay Formation Year 1 : Retreat

My Lay Formation journey began with a retreat in Dubuque - home to our Archdiocese. The Shalom Retreat Center in Dubuque was a wonderful, spirit-filled location to have this beginning session. My wife and I lived in Dubuque for over 5 years and did not know that this secluded area overlooking the Mississippi river existed.

The weekend seemed difficult to even start, as my wife and I had not left our 3 young children for a period of time like this for quite a while (if ever). It was probably harder for us than it was for them -- having their grand parents take care of them. It took a little while into the retreat to really let go of some of the worries over them and truly get into the intentions of the retreat.

As I wrote in my Lay Formation application, the journey really is the reward. I am a firm believer in this and this retreat was an awesome beginning to my journey. One of the retreat staff gave a wonderful speech and ended with a bible reading that said "I speak this in the world so that they may share my joy completely." Later that same day all retreat participants randomly selected a rock with a word on the bottom. My rock said: Joy.

The retreat also afforded many moments of prayerful reflection, as well as time to take long walks with my wife to discuss anything and everything. The retreat staff had divided us into small groups as well, to break-out and discuss topics a little more intimately. Everyone in my group is very nice and it was nice to learn about different faith formation journeys that led us to that weekend. As my group has (perhaps now) learned -- I like to write a LOT more than I like to talk. :)

Throughout the retreat we were asked to journal quite a bit. As a technology nut, my hand was cramping just at the thought of doing that much writing. I endured though and am glad to have the computer to continue my journalling. As a close to the reflection paper on the retreat weekend I wrote:

My journey continues today – start a new page, a new chapter ; a new revelation about how I can build my relationship with God, selflessly preach and live His word, and bring joy and love to all.

How My Lay Formation Journey Began

I forgot to mention in my first post how (exactly) my lay formation began. I am blessed with many wonderful people in my life and several were of assistance in getting me into this program. My wonderful wife had an interest sparked in the program at first and thought I would benefit from it as well. After deliberation and consultation from others that had been through the program we decided to apply.

The church I belong to is St. Edward in Waterloo, Iowa. We have an incredible Pastor and supporting staff. My wife talked with the Pastoral Associate and she knew that we would love the program and have NO problems being accepted. We had her (and some friends) write our letters of recommendation and several weeks later learned that we were accepted.

Additionally, two other couples from our church had been accepted!! I still wasn't 'quite' sure what I had just signed up for, but was apprehensively glad to begin the journey. :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Welcome to my Lay Formation Blog

Welcome to my Lay Formation blog! I started year one of my three year lay formation journey this last September 2009. I write another technical blog in my field of expertise and feel that it aids in my comprehension of the various topics greatly just by writing about them. So I figured what better to help me along Lay Formation than to blog/write about it!. Besides, so much has been taught already about journaling — this is just my way of sharing — ’some’ of what I journal on the various topics as we learn them. Additionally, the books that we have read so far in class have been wonderful – and I would love to share them so that others may enjoy them as well.

I’ll begin in the next few posts catching up on our initial retreat weekend and then get into the first few sessions and books that have been covered.

-John Rath